Computing Thoughts

Bruce Eckel's Programming Blog

May 11, 2022 - 15 minute read

Misunderstanding Python Class Attributes

I was attempting to assist on an open-source project when I was stopped short by this (names have been changed):

class DataPoint:
    measurement1 = None
    measurement2 = None
    measurement3 = None

DataPoint was later used like this:

d = DataPoint()
d.measurement1 = 100
d.measurement2 = 200
d.measurement3 = 300

Why give names and initialization values to class attributes, then when you make an object, immediately create and initialize instance variables with the same names as the class attributes? I began to suspect a misunderstanding about class attributes.

I found one of the coaches of the project (who was not the original author) and asked. It was explained to me that this was the way you provide default values for Python objects. When I attempted to disagree, the effects were demonstrated using a debugger. The argument looked something like this:


class A:
    x: int = 100

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = A()
    print(f"{a.x = }")
    # a.x = 100
    a.x = -1
    print(f"{a.x = }")
    # a.x = -1
    a2 = A()
    print(f"{a2.x = }")
    # a2.x = 100

(f"{a.x = }" is an f-string feature that eliminates the redundancy of displaying a variable.)

Sure enough, if I create an A object called a and ask for a.x, it looks like x has the “default value” of 100. I can set a.x to -1 and create a second A object a2 which once again is given the “default value” of 100—separate storage appears to have been created and initialized for the x in both a and a2. Based on this simple example, Python class attributes seem to produce default value behavior.

(The code for this article is on GitHub).

Where Did This Idea Come From?

Because of the way class attributes are defined, someone coming from either C++ or Java might assume they work the same as in C++ or Java: Storage for those variables is allocated and initialized before the constructor1 is called. Indeed, the first time I saw class attributes used for automated constructor generation (a trick we shall visit later in this article), I wondered if I had previously missed something magical about class attributes.

Here’s a Java example exploring the same ideas:

// Rename to
// Java automatically initializes from defaults

class A {
  int x = 100;
  public A() {
    // x is already initialized:
    System.out.println("In A constructor: " + this);
  public String toString() {
    return "x = " + x;

class B {
  static int x = 100;
  public String toString() {
    // Accessing static via instance:
    return "x = " + x;
    // Same as "x = " + this.x;
  static public String statics() {
    return "B.statics(): B.x = " + B.x;
  // Cannot shadow identifier names:
  // int x = -1;
  // Variable 'x' is already defined in the scope

public class DefaultValues {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    A a = new A();
    // In A constructor: x = 100
    System.out.println("a: " + a);
    // a: x = 100
    a.x = -1;
    System.out.println("a: " + a);
    // a: x = -1
    System.out.println("new A(): " + new A());
    // In A constructor: x = 100
    // new A(): x = 100

    B b = new B();
    System.out.println("b: " + b);
    // b: x = 100
    // B.statics(): B.x = 100
    // Accessing static via class:
    B.x = -1;
    System.out.println("b: " + b);
    // b: x = -1
    // B.statics(): B.x = -1
    B b2 = new B();
    System.out.println("b2: " + b2);
    // b2: x = -1

Inside the constructor A(), the storage for x has already been allocated and initialized. Changing the value of a.x doesn’t influence further new A objects, which are initialized to 100.

In class B, x is changed to a static variable, which means there is only a single piece of x storage for the class—no matter how many instances of that class you create. This is how Python class attributes work; they are static variables without using the static keyword.

In B’s toString(), notice that B’s x is accessed the same way it is in Class A’s toString(): as if it were an ordinary object field rather than a static field. When you do this, Java automatically uses the static x even though you are syntactically treating it like the object’s x.

In statics(), x is accessed through the class by saying B.x. If x were not a static you couldn’t do this.

At the end of class B, notice that we cannot “shadow” an identifier name like we can in Python: we cannot have both an ordinary and a static variable of the same name. main() demonstrates that the static x in B is indeed associated with the class, and there’s only one piece of storage shared by all objects of class B.

C++ has virtually identical behavior, although static initialization syntax is different for variables:

// 3_default_values.cpp
// C++ automatically initializes from defaults
// Tested on
#include <iostream>

class A {
    int x = 100;
    A() { // x is already initialized:
        std::cout << "constructor: " << x << std::endl;

class B {
    static int x;
    B() { // x has been initialized:
        std::cout << "constructor: " << x << std::endl;
    // Cannot shadow identifier name:
    // int x = 1;
    // 'int B::x' conflicts with a previous declaration

// Static variables must be initialized outside the class:
int B::x = 100;

// Static consts are initialized inline:
class C {
    static const int x = 100;

int main() {
    A a;
    // constructor: 100
    std::cout << a.x << std::endl;
    // 100
    a.x = -1;
    std::cout << a.x << std::endl;
    // -1

    B b;
    // constructor: 100
    std::cout << b.x << std::endl;
    // 100
    // Accessing static via instance:
    b.x = -1;
    std::cout << b.x << std::endl;
    // -1
    // Accessing static via class:
    B::x = -99;
    std::cout << b.x << std::endl;
    // -99

    C c;
    std::cout << c.x << std::endl;
    // 100
    // Cannot assign to const:
    // c.x = -1;

Just like Java, storage is allocated and initialized for x by the time the A() constructor is called.

In class B, the static int x definition only indicates that x exists for B. To allocate and initialize static variable storage, the external definition int B::x = 100 is required. If, however, the static is const, the initialization value is included in the definition as seen in class C. The compiler is able to inline const values where they are used, so no storage is required.

In class B, you see that, like Java, C++ also disallows name shadowing. main() shows that static x can be accessed either through the class or using an instance of the class.

Notice that both Java and C++ have explicit static keywords, whereas Python does not. This adds to the confusion, so when a Java or C++ programmer (who has not learned about class attributes) sees something of the form:

Class X:
    a = 1
    b = 2
    c = 3

It is quite reasonable to expect the same results as from similar-looking C++ or Java code. After doing a few simple experiments as in, a C++ or Java programmer might well conclude that Python does indeed work that way. And, because a class attribute is a single variable that is “global to the class,” it can be mistaken for a default value.

How Things Break

The worst thing about this is that code written with the assumption that class attributes are just default initialization values seems to work most of the time for simple situations like the one I encountered. The code passes its tests, so how can I call it “wrong?”

The problem occurs when you’re least expecting it. Here is just one configuration that produces a surprise:


class A:
    x: int = 100
    y: int = 200
    def change_x(cls):
        cls.x = 999
    def change_y(cls):
        cls.y = 313

def reset():
    A.x = 100
    A.y = 200

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a1: A = None
    a2: A = None
    a3: A = None
    def display(counter: int):
        if a1:
            print(f"{a1.x = }, {a1.y = }")
        if a2:
            print(f"{a2.x = }, {a2.y = }")
        if a3:
            print(f"{a3.x = }, {a3.y = }")

    a1 = A()
    # a1.x = 100, a1.y = 200
    a1.x = -1
    a1.y = -2
    # a1.x = -1, a1.y = -2
    # a1.x = -1, a1.y = -2
    a2 = A()
    # a1.x = -1, a1.y = -2
    # a2.x = 999, a2.y = 200
    a2.y = 17
    # a1.x = -1, a1.y = -2
    # a2.x = 999, a2.y = 17
    a3 = A()
    # a1.x = -1, a1.y = -2
    # a2.x = 999, a2.y = 17
    # a3.x = 999, a3.y = 313
    # a1.x = -1, a1.y = -2
    # a2.x = 100, a2.y = 17
    # a3.x = 100, a3.y = 200

Every object instance has its own dictionary. When you assign to an instance variable, you add a binding to the instance dictionary. But a class definition creates a (class) object, which also has its own dictionary. When you define a class attribute, you add a binding to the class dictionary.

When Python looks up an attribute, it (generally) starts at the instance and if it doesn’t find the attribute there, falls back to looking it up in the associated class/type dictionary (the same way that C++ and Java do).

class A contains two class attributes. change_x() and change_y() are “class methods,” which mean they operate on the class object, and not a particular instance of that class. The first parameter of a classmethod is thus not self (the instance reference) but instead cls (the class reference). change_x() and change_y() modify the class attributes, and reset() sets both class attributes back to their original values.

The main code starts by creating three A references initialized to None, and a display() function that shows the x and y values for each non-None object.

Everything looks like it exhibits “default value” behavior until we call change_x() and change_y(), then things get strange. The original a1 produces the same results as before, but a2 is partially affected (x changes but not y) and the new a3 has different “default values.” Calling reset() modifies a2 (partially) and a3 (completely), but not a1.

reset() changes objects it has no direct connection with. The changes themselves are inconsistent across the different objects. Imagine these kinds of errors appearing in your code base, and trying to track them down based on the varying behavior of these so-called “default values.”

Class Attributes

The source of confusion is twofold:

  1. Python’s dynamic nature. Instance variables are not automatically created, not even in the constructor. They are created the first time they are assigned to, which can happen just about anywhere.

  2. Unlike C++ and Java, Python allows instance variables to shadow (have the same name as) class attributes. This feature gets significant use in libraries that simplify configuration by using class attributes to automatically generate constructors and other methods.

The two confusions compound, because if you ask for an uncreated instance variable with the same name as a class attribute, Python quietly returns the class attribute. If at some later point the instance variable of the same name is created (by assigning something to its identifier), the object will from then on produce the instance variable instead of the class attribute. The same behavior that makes a class attribute look like a default value can cause subtle bugs.

To see this in action, we need a function that displays the inside of classes and objects:


def attributes(d: object) -> str:
    return ", ".join(
        [f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in vars(d).items()
         if not k.startswith("__")]) or "Empty"

def show(obj: object, obj_name: str) -> None:
    klass: type = obj.__class__
    print(f"[Class {klass.__name__}] {attributes(klass)}")
    print(f"[Object {obj_name}] {attributes(obj)}")

attributes() can be applied to either a class or an object. It uses the builtin vars() function to produce the dictionary, skips dunder functions, and produces names and values or "Empty" if there are none. attributes() is used in show() to display both the class and an object of that class. Now we can see the details when using class attributes:

from look_inside import show

class A:
    x: int = 100

class B:
    x: int = 100
    def __init__(self, x_init: int):
        # Shadows the class attribute name:
        self.x = x_init

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = A()
    show(a, "a")
    # [Class A] x: 100
    # [Object a] Empty
    a.x = 1
    show(a, "a")
    # [Class A] x: 100
    # [Object a] x: 1

    b = B(-99)
    show(b, "b")
    # [Class B] x: 100
    # [Object b] x: -99

Creating an A requires no constructor arguments (because there is no constructor). There are no instance variables for a until after the assignment a.x = 1. B’s constructor requires an argument and uses it to assign to an instance variable (thus creating it).

Let’s look at the original example using show():

from look_inside import show

class A:
    x: int = 100

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = A()
    show(a, "a")
    # [Class A] x: 100
    # [Object a] Empty
    print(f"{a.x = }")
    # a.x = 100
    a.x = -1
    show(a, "a")
    # [Class A] x: 100
    # [Object a] x: -1
    print(f"{a.x = }")
    # a.x = -1
    a2 = A()
    show(a2, "a2")
    # [Class A] x: 100
    # [Object a2] Empty
    print(f"{a2.x = }")
    # a2.x = 100

In the first print(), the instance variable x has not yet been created, so Python helpfully produces the class attribute of the same name. But the assignment a.x = -1 creates an instance variable, and so the second print() sees that instance variable. When we create a new A for a2, we’re back to a new object without an instance variable so it once again produces the class attribute, making it look like a default value.

If you never do anything more complex than this, you won’t know there are lurking problems.

The Class Attribute Trick

Name shadowing is an intentional part of Python’s design, and has become an integral part of the way some libraries provide easy class configuration. The first time I saw it was in Django:

class Blog(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    tagline = models.TextField()

    def __str__(self):

This seemed magical and confusing. There’s no visible constructor but somehow __str__ can access Presumably the base-class constructor creates the instance variables by using the class attributes as a template.

Python’s dataclasses use a decorator to generate code for the constructor and other methods using class attributes as a template. Simply adding dataclasses to fixes the problem:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class A:
    x: int = 100
    y: int = 200

I suspect that the use of class attributes as code-generation templates will continue.


The solution is to not make class attributes seem like default values. Instead, write proper constructors with default arguments, as you see in class A:

from look_inside import show
from dataclasses import dataclass

class A:
    def __init__(self, x: int = 100, y: int = 200, z: int = 300):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z

# OR:

class AA:
    x: int = 100
    y: int = 200
    z: int = 300

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = A()
    show(a, "a")
    # [Class A] Empty
    # [Object a] x: 100, y: 200, z: 300
    a.x = -1
    a.y = -2
    a.z = -3
    show(a, "a")
    # [Class A] Empty
    # [Object a] x: -1, y: -2, z: -3

    aa = AA()
    # AA(x=100, y=200, z=300)
    show(aa, "aa")
    # [Class AA] x: 100, y: 200, z: 300
    # [Object aa] x: 100, y: 200, z: 300
    aa.x = -1
    aa.y = -2
    aa.z = -3
    show(aa, "aa")
    # [Class AA] x: 100, y: 200, z: 300
    # [Object aa] x: -1, y: -2, z: -3
    aa2 = AA(-4, -5, -6)
    show(aa2, "aa2")
    # [Class AA] x: 100, y: 200, z: 300
    # [Object aa2] x: -4, y: -5, z: -6

    # Even if we modify the class attributes, the
    # constructor default arguments stay the same:
    AA.x = 42
    AA.y = 74
    AA.z = 22
    aa3 = AA()
    show(aa3, "aa3")
    # [Class AA] x: 42, y: 74, z: 22
    # [Object aa3] x: 100, y: 200, z: 300

You can also use a dataclass as seen in class AA. Notice the result of print(aa) produces a useful description of the object because the dataclass automatically generates a __repr__().

The dataclass decorator generates a constructor with default arguments that match the class attributes. After that you can modify the class attributes and it has no effect on the constructed objects. It seems like dataclasses are what the original author of the code I encountered was hoping for.

Although Python’s syntax can make it look like other languages, its dynamic nature strongly influences the language’s semantics. Assumptions that it works like C++ or Java will generally produce incorrect results.

You can learn more about dataclasses from my Pycon 2022 presentation Making Dataclasses Work for You, on YouTube (not yet available at this writing).

Thanks to Barry Warsaw for reviewing and giving feedback.

  1. Languages like C++ and Java use constructor to mean “activities performed after storage allocation and basic initialization.” C++ also has a new() for controlling memory allocation, calling it “operator new” rather than “constructor.” In contrast, Python’s constructor is usually defined as the __new__() function, and __init__() is called the initializer. C++’s operator new() and Python’s __new__() are almost never overridden, and are rarely even mentioned (The common usage for Python’s __new__() seems to be to create Factory functions). To keep things simple I just say “constructor” when referring to __init__(). [return]